Blue & Gold 2019

The Blue & Gold 2019


Blue and gold is the event of the year. This is what your scouts work so hard for all year is to achieve the rewards of ranking up and the knowledge they received doing so. We like to make it a fun event where drinks and food will be provided, you can invite family members and friends to see your scouts rank up. We have reserved all of Harris Shoals Park so we have plenty of room to bring your whole family!


We ask that you register by 5/1/2019 so we can get a proper headcount!

Location & Time

Harris Shoals Park

May 5th from 3 pm – 6 pm

Achievements Requirements

All Scouts & Leaders must have all requirements submitted by May 1st to allow enough time to order and receive the advancements.

Must be submitted by May 1st in Scoutbook. If you have issues PLEASE contact Andrew or Jaylene or Amanda BEFORE May 1st.

Food & Decorations

No fee to attend, though we do ask that if you can contribute that you do so according to your abilities. We are looking for food from meat to desserts and paper plates or decorations.

Den Leaders

Please work with your families who will be crossing over to the next rank to get your scouts handkerchiefs and hats so we can provide this to them when they cross over. It helps symbolize that they have indeed ranked up!