About Pack 149
Pack 149 in Oconee County, GA
Pack 149 is a Cub Scout pack located in Oconee County, Georgia. We have been around for decades and have been led by many great people over the years.
What makes Pack 149 your choice pack?
Our pack is 100% dedicated to providing a memorable experience. Your children are only young once and we know every decision you make can impact their future. We know there is value in what a scout is all about and want to provide you and your scout’s many opportunities to take part in what we do. From the multiple camping trips a year and our annual winter trip we are sure to meet your child’s outdoor needs.
Where are we located?
Located conveniently at Friendship Presbyterian Church at 8531 Macon Hwy, Athens, GA 30606. We have 1 pack meeting a month where the entire pack of scouts 60+ comes together for updates, fun, and other activities. Outside of this most of our Den’s meet right here in Oconee or at the church.
How to get involved?
Come visit! You can view our calendar right here on the website to see our Pack meetings and your welcome to come and see what it’s all about. You’re also welcome to use our contact form on our website or give us a call or email. We are here to be good scouts and help you any way we can. We have a group of successful leaders who help make our scouts great and would love to have you on our team as well as your child learning how to be a better citizen in their community.